Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Let's Talk

I've been thinking about it, and feel it will be a really good idea for all of us (you know who you are) to actually stay in touch so we can keep the energy flowing. So often we take part in these big events and it's so easy to let the "dream stealers" enter in there and all those good feelings of motivation and inspiration you felt after the event seem to just whither away. I don't want this to happen this time. That is why I spent time in putting together topic specific forums for all of us. So I created them just for us to stay in touch, talk out new ideas, see if any of you would like to partner with each other, and just in general learn from each other. Most likely you found this blog address after we met at the event, so I'm glad you're here. To access the forums for now, please email me and let me know who you are so I can give you the URL. They will be awesome and one of the only ways for all of us to stay in touch since I definitely haven't been able to find any others out there. Look forward to hearing from you!

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